What is Conservatorship Abuse?
While there are a variety of ways that an elderly individual may be abused or exploited, one of the most common types involves financial exploitation. A common way for an individual to take advantage of an older individual is to become his or her conservator, or guardian. A conservator is meant to assist his or her conservatee by making bill payments, paying for groceries, managing appointments, etc., as certain elderly individuals are incapable of doing this for themselves. As such, a conservator should be someone who makes honest and honorable decisions. Unfortunately, too often this is not the case.
Putting an End to Conservatorship Abuse
The best way to put a stop to conservatorship abuse is to get a judge involved. A concerned party would make the request of a judge to investigate, and the judge would then appoint an elder law attorney to represent the conservatee. At Peck Ritchey, LLC, we investigate guardianship claims that involve any of the following:
- Elder abuse
- Financial exploitation
- Breach of fiduciary duty
- Citations to recover and discover assets
Often the legal process surrounding conservatorship abuse can be tedious and difficult to deal with. If you suspect someone of guardianship abuse, do not hesitate to contact an elder law attorney to discuss your options.
Contact an Elder Law Attorney in Chicago for Help
If you have questions about the legal proceedings regarding conservatorship abuse, contact the Chicago elder law attorneys of Peck Ritchey, LLC by calling (855) 328-5787 for answers today.